Good News!
After promising to write a book about improvisation for years, I finally did it. The book, “A Doctor and a Plumber in a Rowboat: The Essential Guide to Improvisation” is a work of love. I coauthored it with my long time friend and colleague, Tom Soter. The book shares the essentials for performing and teaching good improv, but it’s about more that that. In it we explore the life lessons that improv teaches, we talk about how we can all learn to be more creative and spontaneous, and share how the principles of improv can improve your writing and presentation style. There are also plenty of photos of improv groups and quotes about improv from well-known artists.
I will take the next 30 days to, as one friend put it, “bask in the ‘just finished my book’ glow” and then I will start preparing my next book which will be a book devoted more specifically to improv and business. At least that is what I am thinking now, as 2014 turns into 2015 I reserve the right to change my mind. Who knows, perhaps there is a fantasy novel waiting to appear?